Stress Less Strategies: Mindset, Boundaries & Well - Being
Shift Your Thinking, Reduce Stress: How a Growth Mindset Can Help
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by challenges? Like you're just not cut out for certain things? If so, you're not alone. But what if there was a simple way to approach challenges that could make a big difference in your stress levels?Enter the concept of mindset…..
Don't Be Afraid to Decline: The Power of Saying No
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by requests and commitments? Like you just can't say no to anyone? If so, you're not alone. But constantly saying yes can be a recipe for stress and burnout.Why We Struggle to Say No…..
Political Stress: How to Stay Informed Without Losing Your Mind
In today's hyper-connected world, political stress has become a significant concern for many. Constant exposure to heated debates, alarming news headlines, and emotionally charged social media feeds can leave us feeling anxious, angry, and utterly drained. While staying informed is…..
Breaking Up with Stress: Strategies for Peace and Wellness
Dear Stress, Let's Break Up!
Here are 7 reasons why you should break up with stress:1. It causes memory loss
2. It can cause weight gain
3. Increases the risk of cancer……. -
A Simple Way to Melt Stress Away
There are 1,440 minutes in a day.There are lots of ways to manage stress, but I want to encourage you to take the one to two minutes out of your entire 1,440 minutes to simply breathe.' ….
Maintain Your Peace
In New Jersey, you can turn right on a red light except if there is a “Do Not Turn on Red” sign present.
I was at a red light with a sign clearly in view reminding me…. -
Five Ways to Maintain Your Peace
1. Create a positive morning routine.
2. Move your body by exercising, dancing, or stretching.
3. Take deep cleansing breaths throughout the day.
4. Hydrate with water…. -
Laughter Is Therapeutic
Anyone who really knows me, knows I love a good laugh. When something really tickles me, I have a choppy “ha-ha” that comes from the pit of my stomach and is sometimes followed by a high-pitched squeal. A good belly laugh makes me feel lost in the moment and like I don’t have a care in…. -
Fear is a Choice
Lately, I've told my clients, “Our mind is like a car. Sometimes we are in the driver’s seat. Other times we are the passengers. In other moments, we aren’t even in the car”
When we are in a state of fear, the mind is…. -
Stop Dwelling on What Others Think!
"Beyoncé doesn't spend time reading feedback from trolls before she lights a stage on fire". This was feedback I gave a teenage client a few years ago.She was an intelligent young woman who was….
Reframe Your Mind: Understanding and Applying CBT
What is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach?
The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach encompasses several core elements to treat psychological problems. The approach stems from three different beliefs: -
Is CBT Therapy Right for You?
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) works to help individuals reclaim their lives through changing their thoughts and behaviors. There are so many different types of therapies out there and it can be overwhelming to narrow them down and decide which one might be best for you. Below, I’ve…. -
The CBT Approach to Anxiety
The CBT Approach is used to treat people’s mental health issues through changing their thoughts and behaviors. So how does this approach help someone with anxiety? Here are five of the cognitive behavioral abilities that are needed to reduce anxiety…. -
Coping with Grief – The CBT Approach
The loss of a loved one makes time stand still and can flip the world you once knew upside down. We cry, change our eating and sleeping habits, long for our loved one and wonder how we will ever live without them. This is all common in simple grief and is the typical response to a loss. Complicated grief….
Tape Over Your Negative Thoughts
"Our minds are like VHS tapes; we can tape over our negative thoughts!”
Back in the day, my brothers would record music videos over and over again on the same VHS tape. One day, there’d be a….
Repeat After Me: "My Thoughts Are Not Facts"
Our thoughts have a funny way of tricking us into believing nonsense, especially when we're stressed. ⠀⠀
I previously worked with a woman who convinced herself she was a "bad mom" because she was so stressed trying to juggle her career, children…. -
Get Out of Your Head
I got a good laugh when I saw this meme. I think the caption really captures what Drake might have been doing at that moment, but what’s truly humorous is how we all do this from time to time.
Your day could be going perfectly fine and then, BAM….
Self-Care and Growth: The Foundation for Mental Wellness
Why Is Self-Care So Important?
Life gets busy, and when it does (which is often), it’s so easy to neglect ourselves. We become exhausted, put others first and forget to take care of our bodies and minds. When you notice yourself feeling stressed, having less patience than normal….
Self-Care or Die!
Self-care or die! Shout out to the @Diddy voting slogan, “Vote or Die”, for the inspiration. Sounds dramatic, right?
Here’s the thing, shocking statements motivate us to act. It is ok to be gentle with ourselves, but I believe that we can….
Take Care of Yourself First
Before each flight we are reminded to put on our masks before assisting anyone else. Once I became a mother, I remember thinking that instruction was obscured. I thought a "good mother" would put the mask on her child first, but eventually realized…. -
Drive Through the Rainstorm
Have you ever had a moment in your life when you felt that nothing was going right and that your situation would remain that way indefinitely? Unfortunately, this is a mindset that can come easily when you’re in the grips of depression, anxiety, or stress…. -
Get Your Mind Right: The Importance of Maintaining Your Mental Health to Achieve Overall Wellness
When you think about health and wellness do you consider your mental health? If you answered “no”, you are not alone. Western society typically equates wellness with physical….
How to Practice Mindfulness
I know what you’re thinking, you’re tired of hearing about mindfulness. You’re also thinking, “of course I’m consciously aware of the negative feelings I have, why should I focus on them? Shouldn’t I try to focus on something else to distract myself?” The truth is, when you try to ignore the way you….
Mental Health Matters: Breaking Stigma and Building Awareness
What Does Mental Illness Look Like?
In its most common form, mental illness is invisible. Someone struggling with mental illness can look happy on the outside, while deep down, they are really struggling. Mental illness is the master of hiding in plain sight. It seamlessly crosses the boundaries of age, race, gender and….
Race and Mental Health: Let's End the Stigma
We only have one life to live, and while society has created a stigma around mental health issues, race, and seeking help, we can’t let that hold us back from living our best lives. The stigma too often prevents people of color from seeking help, and we need to end it. Factors such as accessibility….
Why You Should Consider Online Therapy
The United States is facing a mental health crisis. And it’s been going on for years. According to Mental Health America’s 2016 annual report, there are over 40 million Americans suffering from a mental health issue. This affects…. -
What to Know Before Starting Therapy
Starting therapy can be uncomfortable and nerve-wracking, but these feelings are normal. When you know that you have to step out of your comfort-zone, this can make you feel uneasy. If you prepare yourself before therapy begins, you may have an easier time adjusting to this new experience…. -
Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media
Most of the time, social media is great. It allows us to stay connected with friends & family, and it gives us an opportunity to share life’s greatest pleasures with them. Our brains literally release “happy” hormones when we log on. We can share stories, photos and videos with our followers….
Why Aren't Minority College Students Receiving the Help They Need?
According to a study by Psychiatric Services, minority students are less diagnosed with mental illnesses than white students, but the suicide attempt rate of minorities compared to their white counterparts were fairly equal….
What is Depression?
Everyone has felt sad or blue at some point in their life. Those feelings usually pass within a short period of time, but depression lasts longer (i.e., for at least 2 weeks) and interferes with daily life…..
Women and Mental Health: Stories and Support
Receiving the Help We Need – Women & Mental Health
A wise woman once said, “We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead”. Her name is Beyoncé. As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day and the passage of the….
My Story: From Teenage Mom to Ph.D.
I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. As a kid, I was fascinated by classmates that would assuredly say, “I’m going to be an attorney, doctor, firefighter” or whatever their heart was set on….
Motherhood Anxiety and Depression: You Are Not Alone
Motherhood is one of the most beautiful and rewarding, yet challenging journey’s a woman can go on. Some will find motherhood easy, fun and joyous, while others may have moments of sadness, anger, frustration….
Never Done Up!
In addition to working with clients in my private practice, I also work in a prison where I treat incarcerated young men.
A few weeks ago, one of my young men requested to speak to me and when he entered my office, it was clear that he was….
Behind the Bars: Mental Health in the Correctional System
The Effects of Mass Incarceration on Families
When a family member becomes incarcerated, they are not the only one who is affected. The family of the imprisoned is also greatly affected. Though this is a known fact, the surprise comes in the percentage of individuals who have a family member that has spent time in jail or prison….
PTSD and Correctional Officers: What You Should Know
PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is defined as a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid….
The Importance of Discussing Mental Health for Correctional Officers
The topic of mental health is an important discussion to have in any profession, but it’s especially important for a highly stressful job such as a correctional officer. he things that CO’s witness or experience daily, such as vicious…. -
The Importance of Providing Mental Health Help to the Incarcerated
It’s sad that today in our world it needs to be stated that incarcerated individuals deserve just as much access to mental health care as the rest of the population. If proper mental health help is given to inmates, we may see a…. -
Stress Management for CO’s
If you have ever been in a prison, you know that the environment can make you feel tense, unsafe, and insecure. These feelings are usually something that a person does not have to go through on a regular basis. However, if you are a correctional officer, this is your normal state of being….