A Simple Way to Melt Stress Away

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 There are 1,440 minutes in a day.  

There are lots of ways to manage stress, but I want to encourage you to take the one to two minutes out of your entire 1,440 minutes to simply breathe.'  

Medical research shows that taking deep breaths can calm the emotional part of your brain. It has also been found to slow the stress hormone, cortisol, from pumping through our bodies.

In other words, taking deep breaths can get your mind right and help you feel less stressed.

So, let’s do this people!

I want you to sit with good posture.

If you’re in a chair, plant your feet firmly on the ground and make sure you’re sitting upright and not hunched over. This will help you get a decent amount of oxygen into your lungs.

Now, inhale slowly for a count of four…1….2…3…4

Hold for a count of seven…1…2…3…4…5…6…7

Exhale slowly for a count of eight…1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8

Repeat three times or for how many ever times feels physically right for you.

Happy breathing!


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