Take Care of Yourself First

Before each flight we are reminded to put on our masks before assisting anyone else. Once I became a mother, I remember thinking that instruction was obscured. I thought a "good mother" would put the mask on her child first, but eventually realized that mindset would not help my son in the long run. In a flight emergency, securing my safety first allows me to assist my child with whatever comes next.

This analogy serves as a great reminder of how we should approach our self-care.

"But my kids need me to drop everything for them!" I hear you, but just imagine how you’d show up for your children if you took time to eat a healthy meal, hydrate, or took a few deep breaths?

"My boss needs me to submit a 20-page report in a few days. I don't have time to put myself first!" I hear you too. Did you know that taking care of yourself, especially during crunch time, can help your productivity? If you find yourself trying to barrel through a task, take a few minutes to stretch or get some fresh air.

If you truly want to be of service to others, you must make yourself a priority.  Simply put, your mask must go first.

#PriortizeSelfCare #MeFirst


Fear is a Choice


Stop Dwelling on What Others Think!