Self-Care or Die!

Self-care or die! Shout out to the @Diddy voting slogan, “Vote or Die”, for the inspiration. Sounds dramatic, right?

Here’s the thing, shocking statements motivate us to act. It is ok to be gentle with ourselves, but I believe that we can sometimes benefit from a shock to our systems.

Why am I taking this approach to urge you to prioritize your self-care? In recent months, I have come across way too many people who view self-care as optional and I’m concerned about the impact it will inevitably have on them and our society overall.

If we don’t carve out time to care for ourselves, it can result in death on different levels – emotional death, spiritual death, and can even result in physical death.

A client recently shared they were “drained” after interacting with a family member who has a difficult personality. He felt obligated to help them with a health matter and during that time he felt his energy drain. Later in the day, he went to shoot some hoops and felt “much better”. Plugging into something enjoyable after that encounter was just what he needed to recharge.

We charge our cell phones, at minimum, once a day. Some of us get scared when our battery is only at half and rush to plug into a power source. Let’s apply that same level of concern to ourselves🔋

Had a hard day at work? Encountered a negative family member? I want your next thought to be, “How am I going to recharge❓” It could be going for a walk, calling a friend, swinging by the grocery store for your favorite ice cream.

Select something that makes you feel good. If you have the financial means, plan a spa day, schedule your next vacation, or book dinner with friends at our favorite restaurant.

Self-care is integral to your overall wellness. So, commit to plugging into activities, people, or places that help you recharge and rejuvenate. #SelfCareOrDie


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