Is CBT Therapy Right for You?

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Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) works to help individuals reclaim their lives through changing their thoughts and behaviors. There are so many different types of therapies out there and it can be overwhelming to narrow them down and decide which one might be best for you. Below, I’ve broken down CBT to help you see that it might be right for you!

CBT might be right for you, if you experience:

·       Depression

·       Anxiety

·       Personality disorders

·       PTSD

·       Alcohol & drug abuse

·       Eating disorders

If you find yourself becoming trapped in and controlled by your thoughts, CBT might be an effective treatment approach. For many people, allowing our thoughts to come and go can be difficult, but CBT will help you cope with them without disrupting your day, week or month. Our thoughts are like a chain reaction, a negative thought comes to mind causing negative emotions to drive bad behaviors which reinforce negative thoughts. It’s a rapid, ugly cycle that can become serious if unbroken.

History of CBT

CBT might be new to you, but it has been practiced since the 1950’s. CBT can even be traced back to Ancient Greece. Greek philosopher, Epictetus, carried the belief that it was the way people thought about and handled things, it’s not the actual thing itself that affects them.

Why CBT?

CBT strives to teach new habits, offer better alternatives and sometimes, just simply remind us of things we should be doing. Keep in mind, if you want CBT to be effective, you’re going to have some homework. Patients need to take what they learn in therapy and implement tactics in real life.

More on this:

Psychology Today


Drive Through the Rainstorm


What is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach?